
Available Tours
Kunsthistorisches Museum Tour: A Guided Crash Course
About Clemena
Clemena was trained as an art historian at the universities of Edinburgh and Oxford. Her doctorate, supervised by Prof. Martin Kemp, the world’s leading Leonardo specialist, came out as a book, Space, Time, and Presence in the Icon: Seeing the World with the Eyes of God (2010). Her second book, Visual Thought in Russian Religious Philosophy, is coming out in 2019. Since 2011, Clemena has lived, off and on, in Vienna, where she is the Research Director of one of the academic programs at the Institute for Human Sciences. In this period, she has also worked for universities in Germany and France, most recently at Aix-Marseille and at Cologne. Clemena is interested in the interdisciplinary interactions between the history of art, the history of science, philosophy, and theology. Her approach to art is, generally, that of a cultural historian. Her tours for Context reflect this approach. She believes that art and the experience of aesthetic pleasure that it offers, enhance our experience of life and expand our humanity.
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