
Available Tours
Introduction to Stockholm Tour
About Jesper
Jesper Eriksson spends his weekdays working for a Stockholm based travel company, creating exciting trips all around the globe for others to enjoy. He has extended job experience in the areas of communication and marketing from companies in various fields. Jesper also spent two years at Bosön, the educational center of the Swedish Sports Confederation, training to become a consultant in the field of exercising and public health, then did a stint as public health coordinator at the Swedish Defence University, reminding officers of the need for regular exercising and a healthy diet. A big movie buff, Jesper also studied Film History at the University of Stockholm and is still a frequent guest at Stockholm cinemas. In his time off he works as a licensed Stockholm guide, driven by a great love for his hometown and a passion for sharing his knowledge of its history and highlights, pleasures and politics…and maybe some of its secrets.
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