William studied History and Art History at Bristol University, and did his MA at the Sainsbury Centre for the Visual arts at the University of East Anglia Norwich, specializing in Westminster Abbey. He taught history to university entrants for ten years before settling in France. In 1991, he became a nationally accredited Guide-conférencier des Monuments Historiques et des Sites, and a Guide-Interprète régional.
Since 1994, William has written nine guide books for Pitkin Guides and the French publisher Pro Libris, all on the theme of D-Day and the battle of Normandy. These are sold in English and in French throughout the region and in every museum related to 1944. He has given lectures on Silver Seas cruises and the Silver Cloud II. Off-season, he teaches English to engineers and lawyers at the University of Caen - and writes. Since 2002, William has been the President of the Franco-British Association in Caen, the city where he intends to age gracefully.