Sandro Farinelli

Local Guide in Rome
About Sandro

After completing a Masters degree in Fine Arts under the tutelage of the great Antonio Paolucci (former Vatican Museums Director), Sandro spent some years working an office job. However, his passion for art, crafts, philosophy and the fascinating figures who create them never left him so he decided to become a professional tour guide, leading trips in Italy and the rest of Europe. This has allowed him to travel and delve deeper into the biographies of Italian artists as he follows their traces through museums, churches and private collections. His approach to guiding is informed by feeling a connection to these people as human beings rather than godlike immortals. That's why he became a professional Tour Guide for Italy and Tour Leader for the whole Europe. This allowed him to follow the Artists' paths throughout the Peninsula, looking for their Souls still sparkling inside their masterworks in Museum, Churches, Private Collections. This culminated in the publication of his book "Piero della Francesca: il Segreto svelato", or "Piero della Francesca: the Secret Unveiled", in which he unpicks the Neoplatonic code in Piero's works. A novelised version of this will soon be available in English.

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